Don’t miss out on Mobilium Global’s Ralph Simon interview with the head of The Atlantic Council’s new Global Centre, Dr David Bray. It will take place at TEDx Gateway, India on 11 December 2020.
As the world’s largest democracy, India can lead from the world stage. Already, several CEOs around the world hail from India. In addition, the increasing availability and affordability of world-changing technologies now means that companies and individuals now have capabilities previously reserved only for what the national security functions of large nations could do during the historical Cold War. Such trends embody the GeoTech decade ahead – one where technologies and data transform nations and global geopolitics. India brings a lot of talent to these increasingly democratized technologies.
Why should you attend?
The trends present in the GeoTech Decade Ahead raise several questions both for India and the world. How do we uplift people, prosperity, and peace? How do we use these technologies without becoming a surveillance state? How do we ensure advances in tech and data bring together communities, uplift societies, and respect human rights and dignity? Join us as we discuss how India can step onto the world stage and be a leader in the GeoTech decade ahead for us all.
About Dr. David Bray
Dr. David A. Bray has served in a variety of leadership roles in turbulent environments, including bioterrorism preparedness and response from 2000-2005, time on the ground in Afghanistan in 2009, serving as the non-partisan Executive Director for a bipartisan National Commission on R&D, and providing leadership as a non-partisan federal agency Senior Executive. He accepted a leadership role in December 2019 to incubate a new global Center with the Atlantic Council.
He also provides strategy to both Boards and start-ups espousing human-centric principles to technology-enabled decision making in complex environments. He was also named a Senior Fellow with the Institute for Human-Machine Cognition in starting in 2018. Business Insider named him one of the top “24 Americans Who Are Changing the World” under 40 and he was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum for 2016-2021. From 2017 to the start of 2020, David served as Executive Director for the People-Centered Internet coalition Chaired by Internet co-originator Vint Cerf, focused on providing support and expertise for community-focused projects that measurably improve people’s lives using the internet.
He also was named a Marshall Memorial Fellow and traveled to Europe in 2018 to discuss Trans-Atlantic issues of common concern including exponential technologies and the global future ahead. Later in 2018, he was invited to work with the U.S. Navy and Marines on improving organizational adaptability and to work with U.S. Special Operation Command’s J5 Directorate on the challenges of countering misinformation and disinformation online. He has received both the Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award and the National Intelligence Exceptional Achievement Medal. Dr Bray is one of the world’s most distinguished specialists in technology enabled decision making in complex environments.