Vienna, Austria. Announcing the world champion winners competing at the very successful WSA 2018 World Congress & global Awards for best Social Impact through Digital Innovation, held in the Great Hall of Vienna’s historic City Hall.
Seen l to r: Some of the international judges in the WSA global jury who judged entries from 183 countries: Dr Amos Emmanuel of Nigeria, a WSA winner from Malaysia, WSA Chairman & Conference chair Professor Dr Peter Bruck, former Director-General of the Kofi Annan Centre in Accra, Ghana – Dorothy Gordon, Manaar Alhashash of Kuwait, Witman Hung of Hong Kong SAR, Ms Shinta Danuwardoyo of Indonesia, Mobilium Global chief executive Ralph Simon of the United Kingdom,Shanay Gulusoy of Azerbaijan , Mr Vea Andrur of Spain & Ms Janine Warner of the USA.